San Francisco is Busy – aNCL Series

San Francisco is busy tweeting and this new animation of location based tweets in the Bay Area show actually how busy it is. Geo located tweets are shown as yellow circles that fade away by time, and re-tweets are shown as small yellow points moving onto a line connecting the location of the original tweet and the geo location of the re-tweeter.

The data used is the same as for the San Francisco New City Landscape (NCL) map. Where a virtual landscape was generated from the tweets. More details HERE. This new animated version shows in detail how the different centres ebb and flow as time passes. There are distinct characteristics between the location over times of the day. Basically the Bay bridge keeps it all together.

Interestingly the RT’s are a very specific day thing. During the night this information channel is not ver active and people seem to be busy tweeting their own stuff. In a sense this could be hinting at a more formal and business use of the RT function.

This animation is developed in collaboratively Anders Johansson and urbanTick. The data was collected using our CASA Tweet-O-Meter tool, coded by Steven Gray, in association with DigitalUrban.

There is more to come. We will be working our way through the NCL data collection of over 70 cities from around the world. Within the next week will be posting the next city to continue this aNCL (animated New City Landscape) series.