+1 WordPress Plugin

Plus1 and WordPress

Google added to the Facebook and Twitter button wars yesterday (1st June 2011) by introducing the +1 button to the web. +1 allows users to add a small button that allows users to add a recommendation to a page. What makes this button different to Facebook’s like button or Twitter’s Tweet button is that Google uses these recommendations to filter out search results based on your friends recommendations of pages as well as pages that have a high number of +1′s.

On the back of this I have created a plugin for WordPress called Plus1 which will add the +1 button to the end of all the pages and the posts automatically. All you have to do is install and enable the plugin and it will add a +1 button to every post and page on your WordPress blog.

If you want to override the +1 with a different style [small | medium or Tall] you can use the short-code:

[plus1 size=’{standard|small|medium|tall}’ url=’{custom url}’]

You can download the Plus1 WordPress Plugin here and any feedback or feature requests would be much appreciated.

Download Plus1 WordPress Plugin