Skyview TimeLapse

Its the biggest thin of all and this view serves for a few decades already as the icon of sustainability. With the beauty it transpires and the calmness it entails, the view from the outer space onto our planet earth provide a sense of belonging.

This timeLapse sequences was put together by Michael König out of photographs taken by Ron Garan and the crew of expedition 28 & 29 onboard the International Space Station from August to October, 2011.

The frames were shot at average altitudes of around 350 km on a special built ISO HD Camera developed by NHK Japan. There is little to now image or colour correction applied. The colour play out very intensively and do the magic with the green fringes of the light within the atmosphere.

On to of the blue marbel picture this clip provides a good sense of movement and rotation. Even if most of the sequences are short and the motion is rather speedy, whilst capturing the shape of the sphere the rotation is very present. It transcendes a sort of known icon into a motion of discovery.

All of a sudden the primary school geography teachers demonstration of the globe rotation producing day and night make sense, as the land masses, the continents including the clouds and storms with heavy flashes twirl across the screen. Its a real world version of Google Earth. Actually the world might not be flat after all, or is it?

Music: Jan Jelinek | Do Dekor, faitiche back2001 w+p by Jan Jelinek, published by Betke Edition.
A description of location can be found HERE at the bottom of the article. A lot of interesting locations can be spotted, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Egypt, Austalia and so on. Have a go at guessing.