How to visualise networks when direction matters

Following on from my last post all about how to visualise networks when the connections go both ways (and when there might be more than one connection between the same two nodes), this is just a quick update to say that I’ve solved the problem in what I think is quite an exciting way.

I’ll do a blog post explaining the ins and outs of the technique very soon, but first let me tell you that ‘the big reveal’ will occur during a talk at the CASA Conference (#casacities) by me and my colleague Thomas which is going be live streamed here, from 3.30pm London time tomorrow (Friday 27th September). I’m pretty excited/nervous about it because it’s happening at the Barbican Centre in the large cinema number 1. There’ll also be a second room watching the talk live, and obviously all the people watching online.

We’ll be talking about a model we’ve built which utilises terrifying amounts of trade data from the UN, and descriptions of countries’ economies from the EU, to track goods and services as they move around the world, being traded, consumed and converted and following the gain in value as the whole process happens. We’ll be debuting the new visualisation tool at the talk too, so there should be something for everyone!

See you there…