Extracting all Crime Data for England and Wales using R and MYSQL

Last week I started creating some data extraction code for the new England and Wales crime maps website using the R software / language. Although there is an API, a more efficient way of accessing all of the data (and without causing stress to their API server) is to download the CSV files located here for each police force. To download these manually, extract the data and process in R would take a very long time, not to mention be very dull. BUT….

With some R magic, all is not lost, and the data can even be easily imported into a MYSQL database with ease using a relatively small amount of code.

You can use the code to download data by street, or by “neighbourhood” (I am still not sure what these are?). And, with luck, if the server / naming conventions do not change, the code should be re-usable each time new data is released.

You need both R and MYSQL installed – see here and here.

The only things which you need to specify in the code are:

con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user="root", password="password", dbname="Police", host="localhost")
ym <- '2010-12' #yyyy-mm    
level <- 'street' #'street or neighbourhood'
downloaddir <- '/home/alex/Desktop/' #where you will download the files

Click the post title for the full code…

This R code is provided without warranty! Use at your own risk!

    ############ ALEX SINGLETON (www.alex-singleton.com) ############ 

    ### Download all the UK police data and import into a MYSQL DB###

    ############ Feel free to use this code as you wish #############


    ####################Database Setup####################

    #Get the package RMySQL which enables connection to a MYSQL database

    install.packages("RMySQL", dependencies = TRUE)


    #Create connection to a local MYSQL DB called police

    con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user="root", password="password", host="localhost")

    dbSendQuery(con, "create database Police")

    #Create connection to a local MYSQL DB called police

    con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user="root", password="password", dbname="Police", host="localhost")

    #Creates a constabulary ID table and populates with constabularies in the format used in the URLs, Zip and CSV files

    dbSendQuery(con, "CREATE TABLE ConstabularyID(ID TINYINT(3) KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, Constabulary VARCHAR(20))")

    dbSendQuery(con, "INSERT INTO ConstabularyID(Constabulary) VALUES ('avon-and-somerset'), ('bedfordshire'), ('cambridgeshire'), ('cheshire'), ('city-of-london'), ('cleveland'), ('cumbria'), ('derbyshire'), ('devon-and-cornwall'), ('dorset'), ('durham'), ('dyfed-powys'), ('essex'), ('gloucestershire'), ('greater-manchester'), ('gwent'), ('hampshire'), ('hertfordshire'), ('humberside'), ('kent'), ('lancashire'), ('leicestershire'), ('lincolnshire'), ('merseyside'), ('metropolitan'), ('norfolk'), ('north-wales'), ('north-yorkshire'), ('northamptonshire'), ('northumbria'), ('nottinghamshire'), ('south-wales'), ('south-yorkshire'), ('staffordshire'), ('suffolk'), ('surrey'), ('sussex'), ('thames-valley'), ('warwickshire'), ('west-mercia'), ('west-midlands'), ('west-yorkshire'), ('wiltshire')")

    #Create a crimes ID tables and populates with the different categories of crimes


    dbSendQuery(con, "INSERT INTO CrimeID(Crime) VALUES ('Anti-social behaviour'), ('Burglary'), ('Other crime'), ('Robbery'), ('Vehicle crime'), ('Violent crime')")

    ##################End Database Setup####################

    ####################Specify and create setup variables and table####################


    ym <- '2010-12' #yyyy-mm

    level <- 'street' #'street or neighbourhood'

    downloaddir <- '/home/alex/Desktop/' #where you will download the files

    #Create the empty table which will be used to store the current months crime data

    tabname <- (paste('_',(gsub('-','',ym)), sep = '')) #Table name for selected ym / level

    dbSendQuery(con, (paste("CREATE TABLE ",tabname,"(ID INT KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, Easting DOUBLE, Northing DOUBLE, Location CHAR(100), Context CHAR(100), RB TINYINT(2), FW TINYINT(2), CT TINYINT(1))", sep='')))

    ##################End specify setup variables and table##################

    ##############################Create Lookups#############################

    #Create a constabulary ID Dataframe

    IDConst <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT ID, Constabulary FROM ConstabularyID")

    IDConst$Constabulary  <- gsub('-',' ',toupper(IDConst$Constabulary))

    IDConst$Constabulary  <- gsub(' ','',IDConst$Constabulary)

    #Create a Crime ID Dataframe

    IDCrime <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT ID, Crime FROM CrimeID")

    ##########################End create Lookups#############################

    ####################Start the Main Application#################

    regionlst <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT Constabulary FROM ConstabularyID") #Get a list of all the constabulary from the database

    names(regionlst) <-NULL

    regionlst <- unlist(regionlst)

    for (region in regionlst) { 

    #Based on the setup variables, create strings for the names of the CSV and ZIP files

    csvfile <- paste(ym,'-',region,'-',level,'.csv', sep = '')

    zipfile <- paste(ym,'-',region,'-',level,'.zip', sep = '')

    #Create download location string

    url <- paste('http://crimemapper2.s3.amazonaws.com/frontend/crime-data/',ym,'/',zipfile, sep= '')

    dest <- paste(downloaddir,zipfile)

    #Download Zip File


    #Unzip CSV from Zip file

    unzip((paste(downloaddir,zipfile)), files = NULL, list = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE,junkpaths = FALSE, exdir = downloaddir)

    #Read CSV into R

    constData <- read.csv((paste(downloaddir,csvfile, sep = '')), header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote="\"", dec=".",)

    ############################Prepare the data frame for import into the database############################

    constData$Reported.by <- gsub(' CONSTABULARY','',toupper(constData$Reported.by))#convert the reporting constabulary to upper case letters; remove the word 'constabulary'

    constData$Falls.within <- gsub(' CONSTABULARY','',toupper(constData$Falls.within))#convert the reporting constabulary to upper case letters; remove the word 'constabulary'

    constData$Month <- NULL #Removes the Month column

    constData$Location <- gsub('On or near ','',constData$Location)#Removes 'On or near ' from the Location column

    constData$Reported.by <- gsub('POLICE','',constData$Reported.by)#Removes ' POLICE'  from the Reported by column

    constData$Falls.within <- gsub('POLICE','',constData$Falls.within)#Removes ' POLICE'  from the falls within column

    constData$Reported.by <- gsub(' ','',constData$Reported.by)#Removes spaces

    constData$Falls.within <- gsub(' ','',constData$Falls.within)#Removes spaces

    constData$Reported.by <- gsub('-','',constData$Reported.by)#Removes hyphen

    constData$Falls.within <- gsub('-','',constData$Falls.within)#Removes hyphen

    t1 <- merge(constData, IDConst, by.x = "Reported.by", by.y = "Constabulary")#Add ID values for the reporting constabulary

    t1$Reported.by <- NULL #Removes the reporting column

    colt1 <- ncol(t1) #Finds the number of columns in the data frame

    names(t1)[colt1] <- 'RB' #renames the appended ID column to RB - i.e. reported by

    t2 <- merge(t1, IDConst, by.x = "Falls.within", by.y = "Constabulary")#Add ID values for the constabulary where the crime is located

    t2$Falls.within <- NULL #Removes the Falls within column

    colt2 <- ncol(t2) #Finds the number of columns in the data frame

    names(t2)[colt2] <- 'FW' #renames the appended ID column to FW - i.e. falls within

    t3 <- merge(t2, IDCrime, by.x = "Crime.type", by.y = "Crime")#Add ID values for the constabulary where the crime is located

    t3$Crime.type <- NULL #Removes the Crime type column

    colt3 <- ncol(t3) #Finds the number of columns in the data frame

    names(t3)[colt3] <- 'CT' #renames the appended ID column to CT - i.e. crime type


    #Add the constabulary data to the appropriate table in the database

    dbWriteTable(con, tabname, t3, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

    #Clear variables before next loop













