CASA Barbican Cinema One Trailer and Live Stream: Future Cities and Digital Technologies

Cities have always been places where new technologies are invented but as more and more of the world’s population is living in cities, it is ever more urgent to consider their future. Cities are also being reinvented using new digital technologies and this one day conference will explore how CASA at University College London is exploring the future city through big data, smart technologies, and new ideas about simulation and prediction. This conference will showcase a range of work dealing with digital futures based on using computers to measure, model and predict the future state of our town and cities using many examples drawn from London and beyond.

A free day of everything related to future cities and the built environment at the premiere 300 seater Barbican Cinema One:

Held at the 300 seater Barbican Cinema One in London, the open to all conference will deal with new ways of visualising cities in 3D using virtual realities, it will show how we are building an internet of things around which the city is being reinvented and it will explore how the prosperity of cities relates to their scale and size. A particular feature of the day will be a focus on new ways of exploring movement patterns in cities using data sets from smart cards, from open data sources and from new methods for crowdsourcing not only data but ideas for future cities.

The event will be streamed live at  from 10am Friday 27th, 2013…..

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