Data Windows Update
The charity auction for the artwork/map that I created with Dr James Cheshire, Data Windows, took place last night, at the Granary Building in King’s Cross. Our work was part of the silent auction section and received four bids, going eventually for £140. James and I are delighted that our map sold, and contributed to the fundraising effort.
Having looked at the other artworks that were on display, I was a little worried ours wouldn’t sell at all. There were many very impressive works, many that went for well above my budget, including a few for over £1000. The pieces by Dame Zaha Hahid and Lord Richard Rogers went for over £2000. The theme this year was drawing the area around Shoreditch, and the Hawksmoor-designed church of Christchurch Spitalfields appeared numerous times. My personal favourite work was Cycledelious, which was a bright multicolour stylised drawing of a Barclays Cycle Hire docking station. However it approached £200 before I had even got to it to put a bid down. The organisers’ strategy of very regularly topping up our wine glasses meant that I did very nearly end up bidding on several items…
You can find out more about how Data Windows was made in this earlier post.
Photo courtesy of Isla.