Using the OSTN02 transformation in PostGIS

When converting coordinates between WGS84 (GPS) and OSGB36 (UK National Grid), using OSTN02 can gain us a few metres in accuracy over the basic parametric transformation provided by PostGIS’s st_transform via PROJ.4. Happily, Ordnance Survey now distribute an NTv2 version of the OSTN02 transformation, courtesy of the Defence Geographic Centre, which can be used by […]

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Using the OSTN02 transformation in PostGIS

When converting coordinates between WGS84 (GPS) and OSGB36 (UK National Grid), using OSTN02 can gain us a few metres in accuracy over the basic parametric transformation provided by PostGIS’s st_transform via PROJ.4. Happily, Ordnance Survey now distribute an NTv2 version of the OSTN02 transformation, courtesy of the Defence Geographic Centre, which can be used by […]

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Passcode view controller

Need to protect something with a passcode in an iPhone app you’re developing? Then you may find my MIT-licensed passcode view controller — as seen in the mappiness app and in the short screencast below — of use. See Github for the code and (scant) documentation. Download video as MP4, WebM, or Ogg.

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