Developing Classical and Contemporary Models in ESRI’s City Engine – CASA Working Paper 191
CASA Working Paper 191 – Developing classical and contemporary models in ESRI’s City Engine – is now available to download.
By Flora Roumpani, The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London:

Working Paper 191
In this paper we describe the development of projects which aim to explore the use of procedural modelling as a complete toolkit for building interactive visualizations of urban modelling theories. We will use three case studies, starting with the original von-Thunen model, a generalization of von-Thunen using multiple centres and finally the standard dynamic retail model by Wilson and Harris. We will discuss the advantages and limitations in using ESRI’s City Engine and the use of interactive techniques, to visualize and explore classical and contemporary urban modelling theories, by introducing spatial interaction and spatial dynamics within the simulation of a 3d city. In this framework, we provide a guide for developing urban models to aid better analysis and understanding of the urban environment through 3d urban visualizations, complexity theories and interactive systems.
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