A sense of new academic term
The latest outputs from researchers, alumni and friends at the UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA).
New academic term of UCL officially started on 22nd September 2014. Thousands of new students walk around the campus, and they fill Bloomsbury area with vibrant energy. Dr. Adam Dennett begun his GI Systems and Science class for new post-graduat…
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Image1.Talia Kaufmann gave the presentation at CASA Lunchtime Seminar. The image was taken by Networking City. |
On 10th July 11, 2013, CASA Lunch Seminar was commenced in The Rockefeller Building. Talia Kaufmann, who is a visiting student from MIT Master in City Planning, provided her current research ‘Parameterizing land use planning’. After she finished her bachelor degree in Architecture Tel-Aviv University, Israel and worked as an urban planner for the Tel Aviv-Yafo City Planning Department.
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Image1.Talia Kaufmann gave the presentation at CASA Lunchtime Seminar. The image was taken by Networking City. |
On 10th July 11, 2013, CASA Lunch Seminar was commenced in The Rockefeller Building. Talia Kaufmann, who is a visiting student from MIT Master in City Planning, provided her current research ‘Parameterizing land use planning’. After she finished her bachelor degree in Architecture Tel-Aviv University, Israel and worked as an urban planner for the Tel Aviv-Yafo City Planning Department.
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Image1.Talia Kaufmann gave the presentation at CASA Lunchtime Seminar. The image was taken by Networking City. On 10th July 11, 2013, CASA Lunch Seminar was commenced in The Rockefeller Building. Talia Kaufmann, who is a visiting student from M…
Continue reading »Dr. Nicolas Falk presented for Bartlett School of Planning. Image is taken by Networking CityIn this year, Bartlett School of Planning run BSP seminar series over the semesters. On 6 March 2013, Dr. Nicolas Falk, Director of URBED (Urban…
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