Category: Visualization
Visualizing Micro-blogging Data
This time I’m at the Workshop: “Data Visualization from Different Universes”, presenting some work regarding the visualization of Tweets, using a combination of machine learning and GIS.

How visualising networks broke my browser
Networks: aren’t they great? The sexiest modelling paradigm around at the moment and there are no shortage of social science researchers itching to jump on the bandwagon. Never one to drag my heels, I blogged last week about the attempts by me and my colleagues to bring network science into Economics, and included a fancy […]
Continue reading »Brilliant Boris Bikes Animation
Some of us at CASA can’t get enough of the Barclay’s Cycle Hire data. We have had Ollie‘s hugely successful flow maps, journey time heat maps, and now the the Sociable Physicist himself, Martin Austwick has created this stunning animation of the bikes. The TFL data release contained the start point, end point, and duration for around …
Continue reading »R Maps
This is an updated version of my Making Maps with R tutorial. I think the code is lot simpler and it also includes some data for you to play around with. Background: Spatial data are becoming increasingly common, as are the tools available in R to process it. Of course one of the best ways […]
Continue reading »Opendata+R+Google = Easy Maps
The release of the R package “googleVis” has made the production of interactive maps through Google’s Chart Tools a simple task. Ignoring the some basic data manipulation the below map was produced with these two lines of code: library(googleVis) Geo=gvisGeoMap(Map, locationvar=”Country”, numvar=”Percentage”, options=list(height=350, dataMode=’regions’)) plot(Geo) This map, although simple to produce, is nontrivial as it […]
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