World Population Density 1970-2000
This animation of estimated global population density between 1970-2000 uses data produced by NASA’s SEDAC. For more information see here.
Continue reading »The latest outputs from researchers, alumni and friends at the UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA).
This animation of estimated global population density between 1970-2000 uses data produced by NASA’s SEDAC. For more information see here.
Continue reading »A brilliant new dataset produced by the European Commission was recently released- the Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). This is the first time that detailed and comprehensive population density and built-up area for the world has been available as open data. As usual, my first thought was to make an interactive map, now online at- … Continue reading World Population Density Interactive Map →
We know that knowledge networks and intensive competition within cities boosts innovation. There are also further scales to this dynamic. The networks and competition between cities at regional and global scales promotes the adoption of new ideas- as cities buy, borrow and adapt ideas from their competitors. It’s this latter global dynamic that we’re exploring … Continue reading →
As the costs of recent droughts spiral from USA to Australia, West Africa to India, we’re getting a taste of what a significantly warmer climate would be like. Critically as the scientific evidence mounts up that climate change is occurring, global carbon dioxide emissions are soaring. Why is this? I’ve designed a new website Carbon … Continue reading →
Every so often you come across a dataset that really amazes you in its richness and ability to change perspectives on understanding the world. One such dataset has been produced by academics at Stanford and Oslo tracing the global supply chain of CO2 emissions. Traditionally emissions are attributed to countries depending on where fuels are … Continue reading »
Google presents fir the currently running I/O conference in San Francisco a new Google Chrome Experiment. The developers print a data globe for visualisation purpose. It’s an in-house production and is a sort of simplified Google Earth in black and whi…
Continue reading »My own research and/or the projects in which I have worked with others at UCL Geography and CASA have gained attention through the following media features: Selected media features 2006-2008 2008 ‘Website maps surnames worldwide” BBC News, 30 Aug … Continue reading →
Continue reading »ENFOLD: Explaining, modelliNg, and FOrecasting gLobal Dynamics Pablo Mateos participates in a successful CASA-led £2.9 million bid to EPSRC involving seven UCL departments and ten academics. ENFOLD is a multidisplinary five year modelling project funded by EPSRC (£2.9 million FEC) … Continue reading →
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