Investigating the potential of citizen science for effective radon measurement and mitigation

This is a recording of a seminar from early September, which was part of the a session that organised by the Social science and Humanities in ionising radiation Research (SHARE) in their RICOMET 2020 conference. Radon, which is a radioactive gas and that under some condition can accumulate in houses (and especially basements) and is … Continue reading Investigating the potential of citizen science for effective radon measurement and mitigation

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Investigating the potential of citizen science for effective radon measurement and mitigation

This is a recording of a seminar from early September, which was part of the a session that organised by the Social science and Humanities in ionising radiation Research (SHARE) in their RICOMET 2020 conference. Radon, which is a radioactive gas and that under some condition can accumulate in houses (and especially basements) and is … Continue reading Investigating the potential of citizen science for effective radon measurement and mitigation

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Reflections on ECSA 2020 conference

In early February 2019, Lucy Robinson, the then vice-chair of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) asked me to join the conference organising committee on behalf of the ECSA board. The journey finished last Friday afternoon, with the end of the side events of the conference – as always, a long journey, made longer due … Continue reading Reflections on ECSA 2020 conference

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Reflections on ECSA 2020 conference

In early February 2019, Lucy Robinson, the then vice-chair of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) asked me to join the conference organising committee on behalf of the ECSA board. The journey finished last Friday afternoon, with the end of the side events of the conference – as always, a long journey, made longer due … Continue reading Reflections on ECSA 2020 conference

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Introducing: ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science

Today the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) is launching a document that is aimed to help with identifying the type of activiti es that belong to citizen science. The document “ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science” is coming ready with an interpretation document, which is called “ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science – Explanation Notes“. They are … Continue reading Introducing: ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science

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Introducing: ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science

Today the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) is launching a document that is aimed to help with identifying the type of activities that belong to citizen science. The document “ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science” is coming ready with an interpretation document, which is called “ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science – Explanation Notes“. They are aimed … Continue reading Introducing: ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science

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What I learned about online teaching and research management?

As a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, UCL, like many other universities, is switching to online teaching and interaction between staff, students, and also research teams. I wanted to share what I’ve learned over the year through my use of online teaching and management tools. The experience is based on using tools such as Moodle … Continue reading What I learned about online teaching and research management?

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How Does Citizen Science “Do” Governance? Reflections from the DITOs Project

This is the second post about papers in the special collection of papers in the journal “Citizen Science: Theory and Practice” was dedicated to Policy Perspectives of Citizen Science. The first paper is described in this post. It is fairly rare to be able to catch an image close to the time when a concept … Continue reading How Does Citizen Science “Do” Governance? Reflections from the DITOs Project

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How Does Policy Conceptualise Citizen Science? A Qualitative Content Analysis of International Policy Documents

In early December, a special collection of papers in the journal “Citizen Science: Theory and Practice” was dedicated to Policy Perspectives of Citizen Science. I have contributed to two papers in this collection. The first one is “How Does Policy Conceptualise Citizen Science? A Qualitative Content Analysis of International Policy Documents“. The paper is led by … Continue reading How Does Policy Conceptualise Citizen Science? A Qualitative Content Analysis of International Policy Documents

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The role of learning in citizen science and the impact of participation inequality

From August to December I was hosted at the Centre for Research and interdisciplinarity in Paris. This short term research fellowship had a focus on learning and citizen science. The recording below is from a seminar in November 2019, titled “the role of learning in citizen science and the impact of participation inequality”. The talk … Continue reading The role of learning in citizen science and the impact of participation inequality

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What can we learn from analysing citizen science training materials?

As part of the EU-Citizen.Science project, UCL is leading on the training work package. This means that we coordinate the part of the platform that will help to store and share training material for citizen science projects, and generally for the field (such as the UCL online course). The stay at the Centre for Research … Continue reading What can we learn from analysing citizen science training materials?

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Platforms for citizen science

A CRI-Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle workshop: created by Anshu (CRI long term fellow) and Simon (MNHN), from a meeting at the Galaxy community in Freiburg. I joined the design process and it was structured so the museum and the CRI present the systems that are being developed, with a scope for a discussion about lessons … Continue reading Platforms for citizen science

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ActEarly – outline paper published

ActEarly is a new project, which has started in September. The project is a 5 years “city collaboratory” in Bradford and Tower Hamlets to research early promotion of good health and wellbeing. The project is part of a set of projects that are funded under the UK Prevention Research Partnership (UKPRP) scheme, which includes an alliance of … Continue reading ActEarly – outline paper published

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Published: Citizen science and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Back in October 2018, I reported on the workshop at the International Institute for Advanced Systems Analysis (IIASA) about non-traditional data approaches and the Sustainable Development Goals. The outcome of this workshop has now been published in Nature Sustainability. The writing process was coordinated by Dr Linda See of IIASA, and with a distributed process that included … Continue reading Published: Citizen science and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

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New paper: Does urbanization make emergence of zoonosis more likely? Evidence, myths and gaps

The final output from the Urban Zoo project is out (see the post about the previous paper, which was published in GEO). This one is a literature and analysis of the role of urbanisation in zoonosis. The paper is open access, so you can read it here. It was led by Dr Sohel Ahmed (and … Continue reading New paper: Does urbanization make emergence of zoonosis more likely? Evidence, myths and gaps

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EU Research & Innovation Days 2019 – reflections

The previous post is more of a summary of the conference, but this one is aimed at capturing my reflections from these three days of (fairly high level) science event. This wasn’t a typical event, and it somewhat felt like Carlos Moedas (the leaving commissioner) farewell action as a commissioner, to get the research community that … Continue reading EU Research & Innovation Days 2019 – reflections

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European Research & Innovation Days 2019

Between 24-26 September, the European Commission Directorate-General for Research & Innovation run an event in Brussels, titled “European Research and Innovation Days”. This was a large scale event, with about 3900 participants, which served several purposes. With Horizon 2020 approaching to its end and Horizon Europe starting in about a year an a half, it … Continue reading European Research & Innovation Days 2019

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New paper: Global mapping of citizen science projects for disaster risk reduction

I find it enjoyable when different strands of research come together. In many ways, research on the impacts of natural hazards on society – or Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), citizen science, and volunteer geographic information (VGI) are parallel research areas with research communities that work on each of them, and only occasionally come together. The … Continue reading New paper: Global mapping of citizen science projects for disaster risk reduction

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New paper: The Value of Stakeholder Mapping to Enhance Co-Creation in Citizen Science Initiatives

A new paper, led by Artemis Skarlatidou, was just published in the journal “Citizen Science: Theory and Practice”, describing how stakeholder mapping can be used in co-created citizen science projects. The workshop was part of the COST Action on citizen science, and the NERC Engaging Environment project “Into the night” was one of the case … Continue reading New paper: The Value of Stakeholder Mapping to Enhance Co-Creation in Citizen Science Initiatives

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Recording of a GEO6 Webinar – data and value knowledge creation

This is the recording of a webinar that was dedicated to chapters 3 and 25 of the Global Environment Outlook. It covers different sources of data, including citizen science and indigenous knowledge. Presented by • James Donovan, CEO, ADEC Innovations • Charles Mwangi, Deputy Country Coordinator for the GLOBE Program in Kenya • Jillian Campbell, … Continue reading Recording of a GEO6 Webinar – data and value knowledge creation

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New paper: Participatory mapping and food‐centred justice in informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya

The Urban Zoo project focused on the issues of transfer of disease from animals to humans, in particular in the context of Nairobi, Kenya. This is mostly a medical study, but through the involvement of UCL Development Planning Unit (DPU), issues of urban planning and urban studies were integrated. The new paper “Participatory mapping and food‐centred … Continue reading New paper: Participatory mapping and food‐centred justice in informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya

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Notes: Focus on Open Science, Madrid

Notes for the workshop  “Open Science by Design: Practical Commitments for Implementation by (Young) Universities – New Indicators — FAIR Data — Citizen Science” this is part of the series “Focus on Open Science” and took place at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid on 8th July 2019. The opening was provided by Prof. Juan José Vaquero. Vice-President … Continue reading Notes: Focus on Open Science, Madrid

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Citizen Science @ Computation Foundry, Swansea

The Computational Foundry at the Swansea University organised two days “Festival of Ideas” as part of the activities to celebrate its opening. The first day was organised by Ben Shneiderman and focused on aspects of AI, while the second day, curated by Jenny Preece, focused on citizen science. The summary here is from the second day, … Continue reading Citizen Science @ Computation Foundry, Swansea

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CBC – The Current – How citizen science is changing the research landscape?

Following the publication of a paper in Nature Communications on the use of eBird data for conservation planning, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) dedicated a segment of their “The Current” programme to the role of citizen science. The section explored “How citizen science is changing the research landscape? Online communities and new technology are making it easier … Continue reading CBC – The Current – How citizen science is changing the research landscape?

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DITOs final event (2): Doing It Together beyond DITOs

This is the second part of the plenary element of the DITOs final event and again, I’m reblogging Alice Sheppard’s notes (and editing them lightly): The second part of the This is a continuation after the morning’s sessions. The session is based on a panel of other projects that have done work in Europe separately from … Continue reading DITOs final event (2): Doing It Together beyond DITOs

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Doing It Together Science (DITOs) final event talks (part 1)

This is a reblogging of the reporting from DITOs final event, which was blogged by Alice Sheppard (which I’ve edited, lightly): Introduction to the day Camille Pisani, the Director of RBINS praises numerous volunteers and collaborators who have worked together, and the way different activities have been aimed at reaching many different audiences. There have … Continue reading Doing It Together Science (DITOs) final event talks (part 1)

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European Citizen Science General Assembly 2019

The assembly run at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) which is located in the Museum of Natural Sciences. ECSA Vice-Chair, Lucy Robinson, will be stepping down this time. ECSA have a team of 6 people that are involved in various projects and activities of the working groups. Some of the highlights from … Continue reading European Citizen Science General Assembly 2019

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Citizen Science 2019: Indigenous People on the Front Lines: Using Citizen Science to Improve Environmental Public Health

The session “Indigenous People on the Front Lines: Using Citizen Science to Improve Environmental Public Health” was organised by Judith Zelikoff (NYU medicine), Kathleen Vandiver (MIT), Esther Erdei (University New Mexico / Missouri Breaks Industries Research Inc.), Shirley VanDunk (Ramapough Lenape Tribe) Judith  – they are part of the NIEHS, and Esther is in the … Continue reading Citizen Science 2019: Indigenous People on the Front Lines: Using Citizen Science to Improve Environmental Public Health

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Citizen Science 2019: Ethical Considerations in Funded Citizen Science: Implications for Broader Impacts

The session Ethical Considerations in Funded Citizen Science: Implications for Broader Impacts, organise by Jacqueline Vadjunec (NSF), Fay Cobb Payton (NSF), Todd Kuiken (NC State University), Lisa Rasmussen (UNC Charlotte), Brenda Wilson Evon Connally (UNC Charlotte), Stacy Lynn (, Caren Cooper (NCSU), John Parker (NSF) The Jacquie is in the Geography division of NSF, and the … Continue reading Citizen Science 2019: Ethical Considerations in Funded Citizen Science: Implications for Broader Impacts

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Citizen Science 2019: Designing technology to maximize cultural diversity, uptake, and outcomes of citizen science

This blog post was written by Michelle Neil of ACSA with edits by me (yay! collaborative note taking!) (apologies for getting names wrong!)  The session was structured in the following way: first, each person presented their issue, and then they answer questions that were presented by other panel members. The questions that we managed to … Continue reading Citizen Science 2019: Designing technology to maximize cultural diversity, uptake, and outcomes of citizen science

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Citizen Science 2019: Citizen Science in Action: A Tale of Four Advocates Who Would Have Lost Without You

Jessica Culpepper (Public Justice), Larry Baldwin (Crystal Coast Waterkeeper), Matt Helper (Appalachian Voices),  Michael Krochta (Bark).  Jessica – there can be a disconnect between the work on the ground and how it is used in advocacy. On how to use the information to make the world a better place, and hold polluters to account. First, Michael Krochta (Bark) from … Continue reading Citizen Science 2019: Citizen Science in Action: A Tale of Four Advocates Who Would Have Lost Without You

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Citizen Science 2019: Environmental Justice and Community Science: A Social Movement for Inpowerment, Compliance, and Action

The session was opened by Na’Taki Osborne-Jelks, Agnes Scott College (CSA board) – the environmental justice movement have used methods of community science we need to include in the tent of citizen science. There are 60 participants in the conference that are supported by the NSF to participate in the conference. There was a special effort … Continue reading Citizen Science 2019: Environmental Justice and Community Science: A Social Movement for Inpowerment, Compliance, and Action

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Citizen Science 2019: Citizen Science: Creating Authentic Learning Opportunities for Students

The second day opened with an introduction to Kenan Fellows which is a programme to link teachers and provide STEM experience, and therefore they integrate citizen science in schools. Following this, Rachael Polmanteer, who is marine biologist turned 8th-grade science teacher, gave a keynote. Rachael is from Bath, New York (state) and she grows … Continue reading Citizen Science 2019: Citizen Science: Creating Authentic Learning Opportunities for Students

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Citizen Science 2019: Citizen Social Science for Environmental Public Health Research

There are specific challenges for citizen social science – e.g. personal information, ethics Lisa Lundgren (NCSU) and Steve Prince (EPA). Steve Prince – behavioural economist, and covering the SmokeSense app. Smoke Sense is about wildfire Smoke exposure. The problem that is addressing is thick smoke that blanket an area – different people might react differently … Continue reading Citizen Science 2019: Citizen Social Science for Environmental Public Health Research

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Citizen Science 2019: opening talk “The Power (Relations) of Citizen Science.”

The first day of the conference started with Angel Hjarding, the conference chair opened the conference, with over 800 participants. The conference was strongly supported by the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. Welcomes addresses came from the North Carolina Secretary of Natural and Cultural Resources, Susi Hamilton who highlighted the state support to the natural … Continue reading Citizen Science 2019: opening talk “The Power (Relations) of Citizen Science.”

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Citizen Science 2019: Getting your project off the ground workshop

The workshop was held as part of the Citizen Science 2019 conference and organised by Katrina Theisz (National Institutes of Health), Jennifer Couch (National Science Foundation), Ellen McCallie (National Science Foundation), Alison Parker (EPA), Pietro Michelucci (Human Computation Institute, Inc) , Claire Baert (Thin Crowd) Ellen McCallie started the day on how to write a … Continue reading Citizen Science 2019: Getting your project off the ground workshop

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EU-Citizen.Science project kick-off meeting

The EU-Citizen.Science is a new project that is part of a family of citizen science projects that are funded through the Science with and for Society (SwafS) stream of the Horizon 2020 programme. The project started in January and will run for 3 years. It is coordinated by the Natural History Museum of Berlin (the … Continue reading EU-Citizen.Science project kick-off meeting

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