ECSA 2024 reflections – policy and STS attention, turbulent futures and a celebration

The ECSA conference is now over, and for me, it ended with the final excursion of the citizen science day. On a lovely spring evening, we joined the coordinators of the amphibiom project at Bednar Park, observing and hearing the story of a unique green toads community that is managing to hang on in a … Continue reading ECSA 2024 reflections – policy and STS attention, turbulent futures and a celebration

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Notes from the Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE) visit to Hungary – 13 Sep 2022

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE university) was the site of the second day of the visit, at the natural science faculty. The university has about 4000 students and 400 PhD students in their science faculty. This is one of the main universities in Hungary. The post from day one is available here. The first talk of … Continue reading Notes from the Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE) visit to Hungary – 13 Sep 2022

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Introducing: ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science

Today the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) is launching a document that is aimed to help with identifying the type of activities that belong to citizen science. The document “ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science” is coming ready with an interpretation document, which is called “ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science – Explanation Notes“. They are aimed … Continue reading Introducing: ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science

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How Does Citizen Science “Do” Governance? Reflections from the DITOs Project

This is the second post about papers in the special collection of papers in the journal “Citizen Science: Theory and Practice” was dedicated to Policy Perspectives of Citizen Science. The first paper is described in this post. It is fairly rare to be able to catch an image close to the time when a concept … Continue reading How Does Citizen Science “Do” Governance? Reflections from the DITOs Project

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How Does Policy Conceptualise Citizen Science? A Qualitative Content Analysis of International Policy Documents

In early December, a special collection of papers in the journal “Citizen Science: Theory and Practice” was dedicated to Policy Perspectives of Citizen Science. I have contributed to two papers in this collection. The first one is “How Does Policy Conceptualise Citizen Science? A Qualitative Content Analysis of International Policy Documents“. The paper is led by … Continue reading How Does Policy Conceptualise Citizen Science? A Qualitative Content Analysis of International Policy Documents

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Citizen Science: Expertise, Democracy and Public Participation – Report for Swiss Science Council

One of the joys of the Doing it Together Science project is that it provides opportunities to work closely with different partners from very different areas. One such a collaboration is with Bruno Strasser and his group at the University of Geneva who are researching citizen science from an STS/history of science perspective. Over the … Continue reading Citizen Science: Expertise, Democracy and Public Participation – Report for Swiss Science Council

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New publication: Citizen science to foster innovation in open science, society and policy

The previous post described the opening chapter of “Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Policy, Science and Society“, which apart from the first 7 pages, is following a fairly standard pattern of introduction chapters – an overview of the sections and explaining the logic behind organising the chapters and the order that they appear, and description … Continue reading New publication: Citizen science to foster innovation in open science, society and policy

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New publication: Innovation in open science, society and policy – setting the agenda for citizen science

As part of the editorial team of the book “Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Policy, Science and Society“, I have contributed by working with the authors of chapters, organising the orders of the chapters, managing the peer review process, and so on. In addition, I was involved in the writing to 4 chapters out of … Continue reading New publication: Innovation in open science, society and policy – setting the agenda for citizen science

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European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) 2018 Conference – day 2: Beyond the deficit model, inclusiveness, libraries, and

The second and last day of the conference (day 1 is covered here) started early, with a keynote: “Science society continuum: From ‘deficit model’ to social demand on research – the reform of science in progress” Lionel Larqué, FR – [physicist and head the collaboration of education, civil society organisations, and science. Influenced partnerships between science … Continue reading European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) 2018 Conference – day 2: Beyond the deficit model, inclusiveness, libraries, and

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Identifying success factors in crowdsourced geographic information use in government

A few weeks ago, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), published an update for the report from 2014 on the use of crowdsourced geographic information in government. The 2014 report was very successful – it has been downloaded almost 1,800 times from 41 countries around the world in about 3 years (with more … Continue reading Identifying success factors in crowdsourced geographic information use in government

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ECSA 2016: Open Science – Policy Innovation & Social Impact (Day 1 afternoon)

See the first post of the day here. After the afternoon break, the second afternoon panel was dedicated to started with Innovative approaches to civic engagement, learning & education Chair/Organiser: Taru Peltola French National Institute for Environmental and Agricultural Science and Research Michael J.O. Pocock Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, UK. Defined himself as an ecologist … Continue reading ECSA 2016: Open Science – Policy Innovation & Social Impact (Day 1 afternoon)

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Graduate Mobility and Closing the Productivity Gap for UK Cities

There has been much discussion in recent years about the UK ‘productivity puzzle’: the shortfall in productivity between the UK and comparable EU states like Germany and France, with this gap widening in the last decade. One important perspective for understanding productivity relates to skills and education, and how well graduate skills are integrated with businesses and are helping … Continue reading Graduate Mobility and Closing the Productivity Gap for UK Cities

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Citizen Science and Policy – possible frameworks

Back in February, my report ‘Citizen Science & Policy: a European Perspective‘ was published by the Wilson Centre in the US. As I was trying to make sense of the relevance of citizen science to policy making, I used a framework that included the level of geography, area of policy making and the type of … Continue reading Citizen Science and Policy – possible frameworks

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London’s High Rise Debate

Last week New London Architecture, centre for built-environment debate and communication, launched a new exhibition on London high rises and high buildings policy. As well as including many spectacular models of present and future buildings, the exhibition presents results from NLA research into London’s current generation of high building proposals.  The most eye-catching finding is that there are … Continue reading

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London’s High Rise Debate

Last week New London Architecture, centre for built-environment debate and communication, launched a new exhibition on London high rises and high buildings policy. As well as including many spectacular models of present and future buildings, the exhibition presents results from NLA research into London’s current generation of high building proposals.  The most eye-catching finding is that there are … Continue reading

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London’s High Rise Debate

Last week New London Architecture, centre for built-environment debate and communication, launched a new exhibition on London high rises and high buildings policy. As well as including many spectacular models of present and future buildings, the exhibition presents results from NLA research into London’s current generation of high building proposals.  The most eye-catching finding is that there are … Continue reading

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A Tale of Tech City: the future of Inner East London’s Digital Economy

Earlier this month Demos published a fascinating report on the hot topic of London’s “Tech City” cluster, which has been promoted by the government as a key growth pole for the UK. The report authors Max Nathan, Emma Vandore and Rob Whitehead, put the Inner East London cluster in the context of similar phenomena in … Continue reading »

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Call for Papers – Modelling for Policy, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2012

Abstracts are invited for a session held by the GIScience Research Group (GIScRG) at the Royal Geographical Society – Institute of British Geographers International Conference 2012. The conference runs between 3rd – 5th July 2012. More about the session: This session aims to bring together researchers to report on progress in diverse types of modelling that has […]

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Population Footprints – UCL & Leverhulme Trust Symposia

Population Footprints 25-26 May 2011, The Mermaid Conference Centre, London EC4V 3DB 1st Announcement & Call for Poster Abstracts We would like to bring to your attention this major UCL and Leverhulme Trust symposium on human population growth and global carrying capacity to be held in London on Wednesday 25 & Thursday 26 May 2011. The symposium will […]

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