Some important questions about the usability of geospatial technologies

At the beginning of May, I gave a lecture at the UCL Interaction Centre (UCLIC) seminar titled ‘Interacting with Geospatial Technologies – Overview and Research Challenges’. The talk was somewhat similar to the one that I gave at the BCS Geospatial SIG. However, I was trying to answer a question that I was asked during […]

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The Open Data Revolution

A workshop on “Open Government: Open Data, Open Source and Open Standards” organized jointly by Dr Hanif Rahemtulla, Horizon Digital Economy Research and Puneet Kishor, Creative Commons in conjunction with the annual Open Source GIS Conference (OSGIS), June 21, 2011, Nottingham, United Kingdom. The workshop will be held at the School of Geography/Centre for Geospatial […]

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A postdoctoral position and 3 PhD studentships in Extreme Citizen Science

Following successful funding for the European Union FP7 EveryAware and the EPSRC Extreme Citizen Science activities, the department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at UCL is inviting applications for a postdoctoral position and 3 PhD studentships. Please note that these positions are open to students from any EU country. These positions are in the […]

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‘Compactness’ in Zoning: the circle as the ideal.

I saw a thought provoking presentation recently, given by Wenwen Li of the University of California Santa Barbara, the talk was a wide ranging insight into Cyber Infrastructure, its uses for geospatial information, and some of the computational techniques that underpinned the project. One element of the project involved zone design for the greater Los […]

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Mapping Spatial Entropy in Southwark

I’ve been doing a bit of work recently on segregation with Pablo Mateos, and having gone through the motions with aspatial indices of segregation (the classics): dissimilarity, exposure and so on, I decided to investigate the more explicitly spatial ones. Taking a lead from Reardon and O’Sullivan’s (2004) paper “Measures of Spatial Segregation” in sociological methodology, I […]

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Spatial Design for GP Consortia?

The government is set to release a bill detailing how it is they expect the proposed GP Consortia to work. GP Consortia, groups of GPs working together, are set to replace the current structure of Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) as the mechanism through which primary healthcare is provided to the […]

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Mike Goodchild’s NSF talk ‘From Community Mapping to Critical Spatial Thinking’

Interesting talk from Mike Goodchild in a lecture at the US NSF entitled ‘From Community Mapping to Critical Spatial Thinking’. This talk is a good overview of VGI and links it to the understanding of spatial concepts and integrating them into teaching and research. The interesting issue raised in the talk is the link between […]

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RGS Session: Early Careers Research in Quantitative Geography and Geographic Information Science

The QMRG is pleased to be co-sponsoring a session at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2011 with the GIScRG on: Early Careers Research in Quantitative Geography and Geographic Information Science. It is convened by James Cheshire (GIScRG) and Alex Singleton (QMRG). The abstract is as follows: The data and tools that are used for analysing, visualising […]

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Call for papers – JoSIS journal special issue Open Geographic Information

Journal of Spatial Information Science (JoSIS) CALL FOR PAPERS – Special Feature on Open Geographic Information Guest editors:  Dr. Hanif Rahemtulla, Horizon Digital Economy Research, Nottingham University and Professor Paul Longley, Department of Geography, University College London. Call for papers This special feature aims to bring together some of the key developers, academics and writers on […]

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Call for Papers – Early Careers Research in Quantitative Geography and Geographic Information Science, RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2011

Abstracts are invited for a session at the annual conference of the Royal Geographical Society – Institute of British Geographers conference 2011. The conference runs between 31st August – 2nd September 2011; the exact date of this special session is to be confirmed. The session is jointly hosted by the GIScRG and Quantitative Methods Research […]

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Call for Papers – Open Geographic Information, RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2011

Abstracts are invited for a session at the annual conference of the Royal Geographical Society – Institute of British Geographers conference 2011. The conference runs between 31st August – 2nd September 2011; the exact date of this special session is to be confirmed. The session is hosted by the GIScRG, and will be chaired by […]

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Call for Papers – Healthy Living Environments and Behaviour, RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2011

Abstracts are invited for a session at the annual conference of the Royal Geographical Society – Institute of British Geographers conference 2011. The conference runs between 31st August – 2nd September 2011; the exact date of this special session is to be confirmed. The session is jointly hosted by the GIScRG and the Geography of […]

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Workshop: geo-referencing, geo-demographics, postcodes and classifications

Workshop on geo-referencing, geo-demographics, postcodes and classifications University of Cardiff,  18 February 2011 are hosting a free workshop at the University of Cardiff for anyone working or studying in UK academia. This workshop will introduce participants to the use of postcodes and other area classifications, including the commercially-used Mosaic data and the ONS Output […]

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Finnish Municipalities: A case for zone design?

In Finland, municipalities are incredibly powerful; like local authorities in the UK, municipalities are responsible for local administration, but they also levy an income tax and are responsible for providing most public services. Municipalities were founded on the assumption of equality, which forms the basis for the reform considerations currently ongoing in the Finnish government. […]

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Call for Papers – 17th European Colloquium on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography (ECQTG2011)

Click here for FULL DETAILS. The organising committee for the European Colloquium of Quantitative and Theoretical Geography (ECQTG2011) would like to invite submissions of abstracts for their 17th conference, to take place at the Harokopio University of Athens, Greece, from the 2nd – 5th September 2011. The conference is formally organised by the Greek Society for […]

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Call for Papers – RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2011

Abstracts are invited for a session at the annual conference of the Royal Geographical Society – Institute of British Geographers annual conference 2011. The conference theme is the ‘Geographical Imagination’, and will take place from 31st August – 2nd September, in London. Sessions may take the form of presented papers, panels, practitioner forums, discussions or workshops. […]

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ArcGIS 10 – Field Calculator and Python

Python has been more tightly integrated in the new release of ArcGIS 10, allowing scripting to occur directly through a Python process without even opening up ArcMap. Admittedly this was available before, but now everything is more tightly coupled and a lot cleaner in it’s implementation. However, what has really interested, and indeed confused me […]

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Call for Papers – RGS-IBG Session on ‘The Spatial Dimensions of Health’

Abstracts are invited for a session at the annual conference of the the Royal Geographical Society – Institute of British Geographers in 2010 on the spatial dimensions of health. The session is jointly sponsored by the QMRG as well as the Health geography research group (HGRG) of the RGS. Details are as follows: The Spatial […]

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