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Forging quality partnerships with leading universities in Europe – Perspectives@SMU


Forging quality partnerships with leading universities in Europe
… student and faculty exchange programmes at all levels. PDF icon CASA signs partnership with Singapore Management University and celebrates with joint seminar _ The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis – UCL – London’s Global University.pdf.

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Where are all the female population geography professors?

July 2nd, 2018 PGRG Blog #11 Nissa Finney It was recently remarked to me that I am the first female Chair of the RGS-IBG Population Geography Research Group. I was struck by this comment and turned to the archives of the Research Group in Area and the Royal Geographical Society files of AGM minutes to … More Where are all the female population geography professors?

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Architecture and Collective Behaviour

Just published: a special Issue of Philosophical Transactions B (The Royal Society) on ‘Interdisciplinary approaches for uncovering the impacts of architecture on collective behaviour’. My own contribution is ‘open access’ and you can read it and print it from the web … Continue reading

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Applied Urban Modelling 2018

This conference is the seventh in a by-now very well established meeting held each June in Cambridge UK, which brings together those working on land use transport interaction/integration models (LUTI models) in the narrower sense and more generally on urban … Continue reading

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Moscow Metro Architecture & Design Map

A lot of Londoners are currently focused on the World Cup in Russia at the moment, so Mapping London is taking a look eastwards, thanks to the latest boutique map created by productive cartographers Blue Crow Media. The map is essentially a Moscow version of their London Underground Architecture & Design Map and features the […]

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Extreme Weather Events And Population Movement In The Era Of Climate Change

June 21, 2018 PGRG Blog #10 Lisa Thalheimer Extreme weather and migratory events have been topics of great interest for decades. In recent years, extreme weather events such as droughts or floods often result in widespread displacement.  The 2011 drought in East Africa – a region, which has historically been using migration as coping strategy … More Extreme Weather Events And Population Movement In The Era Of Climate Change

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Ecsite 2018 – Day 2: technology advocacy, evolution, citizen science in parody trial, and DITOs

The second day of Ecsite 2018 included several interesting sessions (here is day 1) which includes a morning discussion about the role of science centres and museum in the public discussion of science and technology, a parody trial of citizen science, and a discussion on the nature of multi-country projects, where I gave a presentation … Continue reading Ecsite 2018 – Day 2: technology advocacy, evolution, citizen science in parody trial, and DITOs

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Synthesizing #ECSA2018 – Growing communities of #citizenscience practice, Geneva June 3-5

Originally posted on monicalogues:
Mini BioBlitz at Teppes de Verbois Nature Reserve The 2nd European Citizen Science Assn conference again brought together an eclectic mix of around 350 researchers, project/programme coordinators (and wannabes) from across the continent and beyond (UK, USA, Sth America, Asia, Africa, Australia and NZ). This post, the one hundredth on this…

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Ecsite 2018 conference – Day 1 afternoon: science shops, and the current practice and future of RRI

The afternoon of the first day of Ecsite 2018 included two parallel sessions (the notes from the morning is available here) Science shops: participatory innovation, research and equity Bálint Balázs (ESSRG) – the ESSRG acting as an independent science shop in Hungary, and want to share their and other organisations experience in running science shops. … Continue reading Ecsite 2018 conference – Day 1 afternoon: science shops, and the current practice and future of RRI

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Ecsite 2018 conference – day 1 Morning: Opening speeches, and citizen science frontiers

The Ecsite conference took place in Geneva from the 7 to the 9 June. It followed the ECSA conference (or more accurately, ECSA conference was set to coincide with Ecsite). The conference theme was “creative collisions”. The conference was opened by the director of Geneva’s Natural History Museum Jacques Ayer. Organising an Ecsite conference is a … Continue reading Ecsite 2018 conference – day 1 Morning: Opening speeches, and citizen science frontiers

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Maps of London & Beyond

Adam Dant has, for a long time, been sketching lovely maps of London history, culture and phenomena, often focusing in particular on S the historic East End. Now, Batsford, an imprint of Pavilion Books, has produced this book, collating Dant’s existing wonderful maps (and debuting some new ones) in single place and adding background information. […]

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Co-designing the Citizen Science Global Partnership

The workshop on the Citizen Science Global Partnership (CSGP) – the workshop included people from US, Brazil, Equador, Australia, UK, France, Switzerland, Germany, and Austria, as well as UNESCO. A range of interests in terms of citizen science activities – from health to ecological observations. Martin Brocklehurst summarised where we are – in the UNEA3: there … Continue reading Co-designing the Citizen Science Global Partnership

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European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) 2018 Conference – day 2: Beyond the deficit model, inclusiveness, libraries, and

The second and last day of the conference (day 1 is covered here) started early, with a keynote: “Science society continuum: From ‘deficit model’ to social demand on research – the reform of science in progress” Lionel Larqué, FR – [physicist and head the collaboration of education, civil society organisations, and science. Influenced partnerships between science … Continue reading European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) 2018 Conference – day 2: Beyond the deficit model, inclusiveness, libraries, and

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European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) 2018 conference – day 1: keynotes, education, and national & international programmes

Notes from the European Citizen Science Association Conference in Geneva, 4-5 June. Welcome to the conference! Katrin Vohland, ECSA Vice Chair, (DE) – conferences started from volunteering by Science et Cité two years ago. ECSA has been growing through participation in projects, and this allows ECSA to do things such as the conference and other … Continue reading European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) 2018 conference – day 1: keynotes, education, and national & international programmes

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Science & Dissent – Day 2 – Afternoon session, round table and conclusion

The afternoon and concluding session of the workshop (here are part 1 and part 2) Making as Dissent: The Performance of Producing Pharmaceuticals in Biohacking (Gabriela A. Sanchez, University of Geneva, Switzerland) looking at laboratory protocol to develop insulin and the researchers want to use a 50 years protocol. The Open Insulin Project at the Counter … Continue reading Science & Dissent – Day 2 – Afternoon session, round table and conclusion

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Science & Dissent – Day 2 – Morning session

The second day of the workshop (day one here) started with The New Technocracy: Scientific Dissent and New Forms of American Governance (Kelly Moore, Loyola University, United States) what are the political conditions of scientists in the US and what are the reorganisation of epistemology and knowledge. Dissent and political reorganisation are dependent on the forms … Continue reading Science & Dissent – Day 2 – Morning session

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Science & Dissent – Day 1

The Science and Dissent workshop was held at the University of Geneva on 1st and 2nd June 2018, hosted by the Citizen Sciences group Welcome and Introduction – Bruno Strasser opened, pointing Why now? When Trump won the election, Bruno felt that “the age of populism is back” – and within is we need to ask what … Continue reading Science & Dissent – Day 1

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Identifying success factors in crowdsourced geographic information use in government

A few weeks ago, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), published an update for the report from 2014 on the use of crowdsourced geographic information in government. The 2014 report was very successful – it has been downloaded almost 1,800 times from 41 countries around the world in about 3 years (with more … Continue reading Identifying success factors in crowdsourced geographic information use in government

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