The 2011 Area Classification for Output Areas

The 2011 Area Classification for Output Areas (2011 Output Area Classification or 2011 OAC) was released by the Office for National Statistics at 9.30am on the 18th July 2014. Documentation, downloads and other information regarding the 2011 OAC are available from the official ONS webpage: Further information and a larger array of 2011 OAC […]

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Geospatial Science Seminar 07.02.2012

Creating a new Output Area Classification.
Chris Gale, UCL Department of Geography.

To download a PDF of the seminar please click here.

To download a PowerPoint Slide Show of the seminar please click here.

The current Output Area Classif…

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Geospatial Science Seminar 24.01.2012

GIS solutions for London’s Crossrail. Wayne Marsh, Crossrail. Abstract. Crossrail is the largest civil engineering project in Europe and the largest single addition to the London transport network in over 50 years. It has been designed to provide a new railway network for London and the South East and carry 200 million passengers a year. Within Crossrail, GIS is being used through the entire lifecycle of the project, including design, construction and maintenance, integrating and joining up data such as BIM and Asset Registries. At the heart of the GIS solution is an Oracle Spatial 11g server acting as the master repository and spatial analysis tool, glueing the information together. This talk will discuss how Crossrail arrived at this solution, how it is currently being used and how we plan to enhance it in the future. To download a PDF of the seminar please click here. In addition, here are some facts about Crossrail that @oobr tweeted during the seminar: – Crossrail is so vast that has its own coordinate reference system – London Survey Grid. British National Grid was not accurate enough. – Crossrail route has to weave through not just existing tube lines but also the post office […]

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London Population Change 2001 to 2009

In a previous post I talked about the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) in London, and how a “standard” representation only reflects the geographical reality of the land. By utilising a cartogram tool this potential issue can be overcome by rescaling each areal unit by its resident population, for the IMD I used mid-year population estimates available from the Office for National Statistics at Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) level. To add a layer of context to the previous maps, I have constructed cartograms for London to illustrate the change in population between 2001 and 2009. I have used 2001 census data along with 2009 mid-year population estimates to calculate the percentage change for each of the 24,140 output areas (that contain on average 250 individuals nationally) that make up Greater London for the age ranges: 0-4, 5-14, 15-24, 25-44, 45-64 and 65 and over. To create the cartogram aspect of the maps I have used the total population of that particular age range in 2009 to rescale each areal unit. I have also produced the same population change maps using the “standard” representation of London to allow comparison with the cartograms. The results of this can be seen […]

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Geospatial Science Seminar 10.01.2012

Spatio-temporal linkage of real and virtual identity. Dr Muhammad Adnan, UCL Department of Geography. Professor Paul Longley, UCL Department of Geography. To download a PDF of the seminar please click here. Abstract. A name often provides an indication of its bearer’s cultural, ethnic and religious affinity in the real world (Mateos et al 2011), as well as the place in which he or she probably lives (Cheshire and Longley 2012). This presentation begins to consider whether and how tokens of virtual identity can be linked to the probable characteristics of people and places. We begin with a retrospective on two strands of work at UCL that has used computationally intensive analysis to classify populations into: (a) ‘naming networks’ based upon social similarities in naming conventions; and (b) ‘surname regions’, based upon locational proximity of people who share names with common geographic roots. Together, these two approaches offer the prospect of context-sensitive generalisation of the geography of naming conventions, as well as measurement of the long term effects of population change. The second part of the presentation begins to consider the linkage between georeferenced email addresses and the probable names of their owners. We begin a preliminary investigation of data harvested […]

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London Index of Multiple Deprivation Cartograms

On my previous post I talked about the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) in a London only setting. A common trait with the maps I created and those you can find elsewhere is the use of LSOA boundaries that reflect the geographical reality of the lay of the land. When concentrating on London in particular this does have an impact on how you perceive deprivation. This is in part down to how Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) are constructed. An LSOA by design has to contain at least 1,000 residents and 400 households, with a national average of around 1,500 residents. London of course does not just consist of the denser populated core, but also more rural areas on the outskirts. As the methodology dictates that each LSOA has to have at least 1,000 people in it, the geographical extent of LSOAs tends to be larger in these more rural areas. This means visually they will be more dominant than central areas and can give a “false” impression as to how much of London’s population live in either more or less deprived areas. In an attempt to try and address this visualisation problem I have used the Cartogram Geoprocessing […]

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The London Index of Multiple Deprivation

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a measure of the “deprivation” of any given area. A combination of indicators covering a range of economic, social and housing issues, allow for a single deprivation score to be constructed, and these scores are then ranked. The data for the 32,482 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) that make up England was released in March 2011 for the 2010 IMD. This showed the rank of each LSOAs deprivation, ranging from 1 to 32,482. Fortunately due to a similar methodology being used to construct the 2010 IMD, it possible to compared it with the previous IMD released in 2007. Instead of focusing on a national scale I have re-ranked the data for London’s 4,765 LSOAs for both the 2007 and 2007 IMDs. Each of the 4,765 LSOAs have had their new ranks split into deciles, which is what is displayed on the maps below. This means there are roughly 476 LSOAs in each decile, or one tenth of all the areas in the dataset. Move your mouse over the picture, to swipe between the 2007 and 2010 London IMD. Show dividing line? I was inspired to use the “scrubber” technique by Oliver O’Brien, […]

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Welcome to my blog!

TweetI didn’t want to leave a blank space while I am still constructing my first blog post, so I thought I would introduce myself and give you some idea of the work I am doing. My name is Chris Gale and I am in the first year of my PhD at University College London. The main theme of my PhD is to create better area classifications for the 2011 Census in partnership with the Office of National Statistics. An important part of this will be while a new classification methodology will focus on the 2011 Census, it will not be limited by it as other data sources will be used. I shall also be looking at new modes of dissemination that better utilise web technologies and new advances in GIS and geodemographics. Currently in-between lecturing a GIS course at Kingston University London and demonstrating on various courses at UCL I have been focusing my attention on OAC and London. I will go into more detail at a later date but I find this to be an interesting starting point for my research. This is mainly due to OAC classifying a large proportion of London as ‘Multi-cultural’, asking the question, can London be included within any national classification in […]

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