G3 – Bridging the Gap between the GeoWeb and GIS

The G3 Project, is a new project led by Claire Ellul and  Kate Jones and funded by the JISC geospatial working group.  The project’s aim is to create an interactive online mapping tutorial system for students in areas that are not familiar with GIS such as urban design, anthropology and environmental management. The project can […]

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‘Digging into Data’ challenge

JISC, the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), along with five international funding bodies, invite institutions to submit proposals for the Digging into Data Challenge.  The idea behind the Digging into Data Challenge is to address how “big data” changes the research landscape for the humanities and […]

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Oyster Flowprint · Visualisation of trips using London’s RFID Oyster Card on the London Underground network · Anil Bawa-Cavia (2010)
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This Oyster flowprint visualises trips made using London’s RFID transport card on the London Underground on a typical weekday. Each trail is an individual passenger making a trip, tapping their card at an origin and destination. The actual routes taken are inferred using a simple shortest path algorithm. The animation uses a 5% sample of passengers on the network made available as a Transport for London Data Feed.

Activity on the network is charted along the bottom of the graphic. The double-humped dynamics typical of commuting are evident, and these constitute the characteristic signature of the living city. Twice a day the flowprint expands and contracts, sending its tendrils deep into North London; the diurnal ‘pulse’ of the city in action.

Synchronisation of travel during the morning rush hour, with a steep ramp in activity peaking at 8:40AM, is much greater than during the afternoon, which sees a much broader peak in activity, with people leaving work at a range of times. The afternoon rush hour doesn’t subside until after 7pm, evidence perhaps of Londoner’s love of an after-work pint.

See Also: Flowprint, Boris, PRT, Network, QR, Data, Real Time, Isochronic

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Visualising Public Transport Networks

With the increasingly widespread availability of transport data, we can now visualise and explore new dynamic geographies of urban transport flows and networks. In this post, I show detailed animations of UK multi-modal public transport networks using timetable data. This …

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